Danish girls in Copenhagen(Tariq Mikkel Khan_PA)

We might assume that safety on holiday refers to a country's stability - the on-going turmoils in Egypt and Tunisia being a case in point - but a recent survey reveals otherwise. Online travel agency sunshine.co.uk asked nearly 3,000 British holidaymakers where they feel most and least safe, based on holidays over the last three years. The results are surprising to say the least - popular destinations like Dubai and Thailand made the 'least safe' list.

It just goes to show that, despite some evidence to the contrary, we have our own ideas of safety - whether it's the rickety budget airplane, that shady man propping up your hotel bar or the sheer ease with which you can travel around a country.

So where do you feel most comfortable? Read on for the countdown of top 10 places that most travellers felt safe in, and tell us what you think.