Saturday, 4 June 2011

Dangerous Goods Transport Consultant | Dangerous Goods Transport

Dangerous Goods Transport Consultancy & Training

Dangerous Goods Transport is proud to feature David Bond Ltd who provides consultancy services for clients involved in the transport of dangerous goods by road, by sea and by air. With more than ten years experience, they provide bespoke Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) and consultancy services.

If you are an owner driver or a small transport contractor who wants training in the transport of dangerous goods, then David Bond Ltd will be pleased to assist you.

If you or your staff need DGSA training, then this website could be of assistance.

1 comment:

  1. I think people who transports chemicals or dangerous goods is going to need more than a consultant with that kind of job. I think every one of them should have dangerous goods training every once in a while. Those training are already available online so they wouldn't really have a hard time locating them. Those programs will definitely help people be knowledgeable about the things that they are transporting and how to handle them properly and how to react in cases of accidents or emergencies.
