Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Wild Facts

The Tawny Owl is also known as the Brown Owl, which make sense since the upper parts of their feathers are typically brown (but can also be grey).  The under parts of those same feathers are usually a nice light beige colour and will have those awesome dark streaks.  Compared to other owls, the Tawny Owl is basically right in the middle with regards to their size as their average height is around 40 cm (16 inches).  This short stocky look they possess is often used in distinguishing the Tawny Owl from other species such as the Great Grey or the Eagle Owl which look similar but are much larger. Personally, I just like to ask the owl which species they are but to each their own, I guess.

Photo by Artur Miko?ajewski (Wikimedia)

Like most other owls the Brown Owl is also nocturnal and has great night vision and hearing.  These features let them easily catch small rodents, reptiles, insects and probably some amphibians as well.  This means our poor little Pool Frog could potentially be eaten by the Tawny Owl, but they are definitely not responsible for the demise of Britain’s rarest amphibian.  The Tawny Owl will typically consume their prey whole and then simply regurgitate the bones they could not digest.  I think this is pretty gross but I bet it is effective.  I am going to try this the next time I BBQ up a nice steak.

Some facts about the Tawny Owl that you may not know.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

George Harrison

While My Guitar Gently Weeps


I look at the floor, and I see it needs sleeping, still my guitar gently weeps...

It would have been completely criminal on my part to write a list of my favorite Beatles songs and not include a single Harrison tune. Featuring absolutely stellar guitar work from George's friend Eric Clapton, the haunting melody and lyrics pierce straight through. To me, this is Harrison's "Across the Universe" - his way of watching everything around him change as the band gradually fell to pieces, and using his music as an outlet.

The result is a powerful piece with beautiful chemistry between George's desperate vocal stylings and Clapton's masterful "weeping" lead guitar. Inspiration for the song came to Harrison when reading the I Ching, which, as he put it, "seemed to me to be based on the Eastern concept that everything is relative to everything else...opposed to the Western view that things are merely coincidental." Taking this idea of relativism to his parents' home in northern England, Harrison committed to write a song based on the first words he saw upon opening a random book. Those words were "gently weeps", and he immediately began the song.

Some info on George Harrison's While My Guitar Gentle Weeps.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Super Weight Loss Reviews | Weight Loss Reviews

Bodybuilding Shoulder Exercises The deltoids are the principal shoulder muscles that worry bodybuilder and maybe arms and chest muscles functional nearly together, the training session may perhaps isolate the delts. For beginners in body building it is important to use lighter weights for the ordinary shoulder-isolating exercises because the shoulder is not designed for hard lifting in all directions.

This is an interesting article all about bodybuilding shoulder exercises. So if you want a fit body, why not try out the exercises.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Hungry Baby Starling

Starling Feeding Baby

Hungry Baby Bird

Starling Feeding Baby
This year there have been so many new baby birds in the garden. The wild birds have certainly been busy nesting and feeding their young chicks. We can hear the new babies that are now out of the nest, squawking and demanding to be fed.
We like to think that our efforts of feeding the wild birds and making sure they have plenty of water around, has helped to keep up the population of wild birds. It is so wonderful to see all the young birds around the garden. We feel very luck and privileged to have them come visit our garden.
Aw baby birds are so cute!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Madonna and David at Heathrow. Aw cute of the day.

I hope this is the look of love. It's adorable. I'm a sucker for a hand hold.


What a lovely photo!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

I Am Flying | I Am Flying

I Am Flying

Welcome to I Am Flying!

Here we will going flying through space and time.

Join me on this wonderful journey!

Enjoy the journey!

Guess the music star as a child

They're some of the biggest names in music but would you recognise them as kids?

They're a picture of innocence in the photo below but do you know which hell-raising rock stars these little boys grew up to be?

Find out here

Guess who?(Sony)

Name the Rock Star?

Google Voice Search - New Google Feature

Have you seen Google Voice Search?  

It is a new Google feature and with a built in microphone you can now speak your search query.

Saves on all that typing lol!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Typing Articles At The Speed of Light

Today I decided I need to speed with my typing.  Typing repetitively phrases like close kittens and piggy wigs,would soon get me typing fast again and my article output would be pretty prolific.

So here I am hammering away at the keyboard.  I am sure with persistence and determination, all my hard work will pay off in the end.

Summer solstice commemorated with Google doodle by Takashi Murakami | Technology |

Summer solstice Google doodle by Takashi Murakami
Summer solstice Google doodle by Takashi Murakami. Source: Google

Japanese artist Takashi Murakami has been commissioned by Google to produce the latest in its series of Google doodles.

The multicoloured cartoon, titled The First Day of Summer, entwines flowery bursts around gaping mouthed heads characteristic of the Japanese anime style.

The doodle represents the date of the summer solstice, much loved by druids, but the doodle's title is somewhat misleading – the solstice is the longest day in summer, rather than the first, although it may give new hope to those deluged in recent days and those heading to the Glastonbury festival this weekend.

Murakami's work is usually known for its appropriation of high art forms such as sculpture, which he then melds with low art themes from pop culture to mass media. He has produced a variety of contemporary work from 30ft sculptures to his so-called superflat paintings, in which he combines flat graphic imagery and colours to create highly patterned images.

Murakami has also carried out more commercial endeavours including a close collaboration with fashion designer Marc Jacobs, and in 2008 was included in Time magazine's 100 most influential people.

So far this month, the Google doodle has commemorated Russia day, the 92nd birthday of Richard Scarry, author of the Busytown series of children's books, and the total lunar eclipse.

Another great Google Doodle, this time to celebrate Summer Solstice.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Father's Day in United Kingdom

Father´s day UK

In the days and weeks before Father's Day, many schools, Sunday schools and children's organizations help their pupils to prepare a handmade card or gift for their father. Mothers and other family members may help children to make personalized gifts, such as calendars with drawings made by the children.

Some families celebrate Father's Day by planning an outing or weekend trip, perhaps just for the male members of the family. This may be a simple walk in the countryside or a whole planned "experience". Popular Father's Day experiences include driving a fire engine, rally car, tank or even airplane or taking a golf, football or cricket lesson with a celebrity coach. Other families organize a special meal at home or in a pub or restaurant. A common Father's Day meal is a traditional roast dinner with meat, stuffing, potatoes and vegetables, which can be eaten in a pub and accompanied by pints of ale or lager.

Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

A-list beauty buys - all under £30!

Find out which beauty products the stars really love and why they won't be without them.

Duchess of Cambridge(PA Nivea)

She's fast becoming the reigning queen of British high street style, and now the Duchess of Cambridge has proved herself to be a fan of budget beauty buys too, after she was spotted stocking up on £5 Nivea moisturiser.

The 29-year-old royal was seen browsing the aisles in Boots on the King's Road, where she snapped up Nivea's Visage Pure and Natural Moisturising Day Cream for just £5.10.

And it seems that the Duchess of Cambridge isn't the only celebrity that likes a bargain, want to know what lip gloss Cheryl Cole won't be without, what face cream is the best according to Kylie, and what Sarah Jessica Parker swears by? Then read on as we reveal the A-list beauty buys - all under £30!

Find out some great beauty bargains!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Has Facebook Peaked? | WebProNews

To be clear, this isn’t an “Is Facebook dead?” piece. Obviously Facebook is far from dead, and has become integrated in many facets of our lives, and will likely become integrated in more. In fact, just a few days ago, we ran a piece asking what we’ll be using Facebook for five years from now. We talked about things like payments, e-commerce, travel, search, identity, and entertainment.

Does Facebook have a bright future, or has it seen its finest hour? Tell us what you think.

As the comments we received on that article indicate, many people think Facebook will be around for the long haul (as opposed to experiencing a MySpace-like decline), but some aren’t so sure. Dave Culbertson, for example, says, “Facebook is basically AOL, part two on a larger scale. AOL was really about controlling content distribution and ecommerce. Companies such as Travelocity ended up paying millions of $$ to AOL to be ‘where the people are’ before they figured out that they could use the web to by-pass the AOL platform and go directly to where the most people are. Many brands jumping on the Facebook wagon will eventually realize this – again – and refocus on their websites. Do brands want to drive their own cars on the information highway or be stuck in the back of someone else’s bus?”

Chris Smith commented, “I personally think Facebook will fail. The invasion of privacy is starting to concern everyone. Also, the figure of 700 million users is rubbish, 700 million accounts maybe, but I believe this will be less than half unique users. How many pets have accounts, businesses, people with 2 accounts. Its all publicity figures in my opinion. 1 in 10 people of the world don’t have an account in my experience. Something will beat Facebook for usability and the privacy concerns in my opinion everyone will shift to that, I’d personally give Facebook 3 years max. They will end up the same way as Yahoo, who once were huge for the internet and where are they now, really?”

Well, actually Yahoo is still doing pretty well as far as the web is concerned. The company may have lost some of its luster in the search space, but it is still dominating in other areas. MySpace, for that matter (while clearly in decline), still had over 32 million unique visitors in April (Compete) while News Corp. looks to sell it. AOL, has had something of a resurgence, as it has become a more content-oriented company. Purchasing the Huffington Post was huge.

But can Facebook grow forever? According to Inside Facebook, the social network ahd 687 million total users at the beginning of June, but growth is slowing. Last year, it was common for Facebook to get 20 million new users in a month. This past April, it was 13.8 million. In May, it was even less at 11.8 million. Still a lot, but not by Facebook standards.

According to InsideFacebook, Facebook actually lost users in the US and Canada. In the US, Facebook dropped 6 million users in May, and Canada dropped 1.52 million. They also lost users in the UK and Norway, though the social network saw growth in countries like Brazil, Thailand, and Mexico.

According to Experian Hitwise, YouTube and Twitter are “eroding Facebook’s dominance of social.”

So what do you really think of Facebook?

Monday, 13 June 2011

Men: 10 tips for a healthy heart

10 tips for a healthy heart for men(Getty Images)

Dr Hilary Jones tells MSN Him his tips on how men can ensure they have a healthy heart.

Looking after your heart is crucial, but bad habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and a love of fatty foods can all spell disaster for our body's most important organ.

We've put together the top tips for a healthy heart, with a little help from TV GP Dr Hilary Jones.

Another one for the Guys - Read this article on tips for a healthy heart. You know it makes sense!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

How To Sweet Talk A Girl and Win Her Heart

Tell Her She Looks Wonderful Tonight

Guys - bring the romance back into your relationship and tell her she looks wonderful tonight!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Google's Les Paul doodle rocks the Web | Digital Media - CNET News

Google's Les Paul doodle.

(Credit: Screenshot by Steven Musil/CNET)

With apologies to Jon Bon Jovi, Google's latest doodle has seen a billion faces and rocked them all.

With the launch yesterday of its doodle honoring musician and electric-guitar innovator Les Paul, Google created the world's largest jam session by giving everyone on the Web a playable and recordable guitar. And by the looks of things, everyone was getting their Jimmy Page on.

As of this writing, Web guitarists have posted nearly 4,000 recordings of their musical efforts to YouTube. That apparently struck a chord with Google, which announced this evening that due to popular demand, it is leaving the doodle up on its main page through Friday as an encore.

Google's video-sharing site was strumming with videos produced by music lovers who probably know more about defragging a hard drive than tuning an ax. (However, for those who actually know more about notes than notebooks, The Washington Post has composed this handy guide to how the chords line up with the doodle's strings and your keyboard.)

As if defying the guitar shop's rules in "Wayne's World," apparently one of the more popular songs for users to try to cover was Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven." More than a dozen were brave enough to give it a go and upload their performances to YouTube.

One standout showed his work verse by verse while using his keyboard instead of his mouse to crank out his version of the rock anthem:

Google rocks! Google has decided to keep the guitar doodle up on the main page til Friday.

So all you would-be guitar players - what are you waiting for!

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Playable 'guitar' Google Doodle fetes Les Paul

A guitar-themed interactive Google Doodle on Thursday paid tribute to American inventor and "guitar hero" Lester William Polsfuss (Les Paul).

Visitors to Google's homepage were greeted with a set of guitar strings of varying lengths that spelled "Google" to mark what would have been Paul's 96th birthday.

Hovering the mouse or pointing device over the strings would produce a specific note. You can also bang out chords and tunes by clicking on the "keyboard" icon on the lower right.

Google's tribute doodle to Les Paul lets you strum the strings with your mouse, or use your keyboard to bang out chords.

Clicking on the doodle will take the visitor to a set of Google search results for "Les Paul."

Paul is credited for popularizing innovations such as delay effects, phasing effects and multi-track recording.

He also collaborated on the design of the iconic "Gibson Les Paul" electric guitar.

The Les Paul Online website ( said he had a "staggeringly huge influence over the way American popular music sounds today, that many tend to overlook his significant impact upon the jazz world."

Google tribute to Les Paul. Play the guitar on Google!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Food Allergies – Do You Know the REAL cause? | Eat-Breathe-Smile

What did your doctor or allergist tell you when they discovered that you had a food allergy? Were you told to simply abstain from your allergic foods, or put on a rotation diet? Do you think that you are forever condemned to avoid eating these foods, which often happen to be your favorites? Allow me to spill the beans on the REAL cause of food allergies, and what you can do to remove them for good!


Spoke With Your GI Tract Lately?

Your GI, or gastrointestinal, system, is where food allergies originate. These allergies manifest themselves in the form of an upset stomach, acid reflux, cramping, psoriasis, eczema, anaphylactic shock, and more. If you have food allergies, you already know your symptoms and how unpleasant they are. A poorly functioning GI system is the reason that these allergies exist.


Over time, the population of beneficial bacteria found within your GI system has been depleted. The most common causes of this are: poor diet, alcohol consumption, and the use of antibiotics and over-the-counter medications. Once the population of good bacteria is depleted severely enough, the stomach cannot do an efficient job of digestion. Then, foods that are commonly eaten begin being rejected by the GI system, for the body falsely accuses these foods for the poor digestion that is taking place. Then, when the foods are eaten, the walls of your intestines become inflamed. This is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome.

If you are suffering from a food allergy this article will give you some good advice.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Choosing Easy World

When life gets tough, why not just choose easy world.  

This video will show you how.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Shakamak State Park

Shakamak State Park lies in southwestern Indiana. It includes 1,766 acres of land including three lakes: Lake Lenape, Lake Shakamak, and Lake Kickapoo. If offers a number of outdoor recreational opportunities including hiking, horse back riding, boating, camping, and fishing.

If you've never been to Shakamak State Park, this page will provide you with information you may want to know as well as a photo tour of the area. All of the photos were taken on April 22, 2010.

The name of the park, as well as the lakes, clearly come from the Indians who lived in the area. The land was later controlled by European settlers who farmed, operated mills, and mined coal. In fact, hikers can find evidence of the old mines along Trail

Learn more about Shakamak State Park.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Feeding Wild Garden Birds

Nature and wild life are my passion and one great pleasure for me is feeding wild birds in my garden.

I have lived in the beautiful Suffolk countryside in England for over 3 years now since moving from London. London was so noisy and crowded and seemed to be getting worse by the day so when I moved to the country it was quite a culture shock for me. It is so peaceful and tranquil where I now live and I am very lucky to have a beautiful garden that attracts many species of wild birds. One of the first things I noticed when I moved to this house was that the garden was full of beautiful and melodic bird song.

When I get up in the morning the first job of the day is feeding the wild garden birds. They always seem to be waiting for me to come and feed them and I love to sit and watch them eating.

Do you like to feed the wild garden birds?

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Dangerous Goods Transport Consultant | Dangerous Goods Transport

Dangerous Goods Transport Consultancy & Training

Dangerous Goods Transport is proud to feature David Bond Ltd who provides consultancy services for clients involved in the transport of dangerous goods by road, by sea and by air. With more than ten years experience, they provide bespoke Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) and consultancy services.

If you are an owner driver or a small transport contractor who wants training in the transport of dangerous goods, then David Bond Ltd will be pleased to assist you.

If you or your staff need DGSA training, then this website could be of assistance.

Weekend sunshine will not last

Most of the country will enjoy sunshine at the start of the weekend, forecasters said

Most of the country will enjoy sunshine at the start of the weekend, forecasters said

Most of England and Wales will bask in sunshine for the first half of the weekend but cooler weather is on the way, forecasters said.

Gemma Plumb from MeteoGroup said northern parts will be much cooler while southern areas will have warmer weather.

"Tomorrow will be noticeably cooler in northern parts," she said on Friday. "In Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England temperatures could be up to 10 degrees lower. In parts of Scotland today we have seen 24 to 25C (75 to 77F) but tomorrow it could be between 12 and 15C (54 and 59F) so it's quite a bit cooler.

"Across the rest of England and Wales it should be another warm day with temperatures around 21 to 24C (70 to 75F), but it will feel cooler as you move towards the east coast.

"We are looking at some good spells of sunshine again but there is a low risk of a few showers across some parts of England tomorrow afternoon."

Sunday will be cooler across the whole of the UK, with the south of England seeing temperatures of 17C to 20C (63 to 68F) and elsewhere 12C to 16C (54 to 61F). Scotland will not see the mercury rise above 14C (57F).

There will be drizzle and rain across the rest of England and Wales, and Scotland and Northern Ireland will be cloudy with the risk of outbreaks of rain especially in the west.

Ms Plumb said: "It will stay cool throughout most of next week. Temperatures will be below average for this time of year and there will be showers and longer spells of rain."

So whats new lol!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

June won't be so hot after all -  UK News - MSN News UK

Weather forecasters have poured cold water on claims the nation is set to bake in June 
Weather forecasters have poured cold water on claims the nation is set to bake in June. A few days of relative sunshine led to headlines of "Flaming June" and sun cream warnings. 
But three different forecasters dampened suggestions the summer would be a classic leaving Britons bronzed. 
Helen Chivers, of the Met Office, said on Thursday: "We are not seeing the hot spell lasting terribly long. For pretty much all the UK we have currently got a couple of days of predominantly dry weather. 
"Temperatures today should be reaching the mid 20s; pretty much everywhere will be the low to mid 20s. The highest temperatures today will be in eastern parts of Scotland, Aberdeenshire should see temperatures up to 26c. We can expect 25c in Newcastle, Nottingham and in London as well." 
Accurate long forecasts are not possible. But the forecaster rejected the idea that tennis players would struggle under the sun at Wimbledon and rock stars would dehydrate at Glastonbury.
So it looks like June won't be so hot after all. Typical English weather!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

David Bond Ltd | Dangerous Goods Transport Consultancy & Training

Dangerous Goods Transport Consultancy & Training

David Bond Ltd provides consultancy services for clients involved in the transport of dangerous goods by road, by sea and by air.

With more than ten years experience, we provide bespoke Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) and consultancy services.   Our clients include:

  • transport contractors
  • transporters of atomic medicine equipment
  • freight forwarders
  • shipping and airfreight companies
  • warehouse and storage operators
  • chemicals manufacturers
  • owner drivers.

Are you an owner driver or a small transport contractor?  Are you turning away potentially profitable work because it appears too complicated to transport dangerous goods?  It’s not, and we will be pleased to assist you.

If you are not sure whether you need the services of a DGSA, we can provide you with a completely free assessment of your operation.  Note: there is no charge for this service and we can usually give you an answer straight away.

Some good information on this website about dangerous goods transport and training.