Sunday, 31 May 2015

The Best Exercises For Getting Rid Of An Unwanted Double Chin

Nobody wants a double chin, but a lot of us have them. Even people who aren’t overweight! If you have a double chin, I can imagine you probably don’t want to have it anymore.
The biggest reason people get them in the first place is due to weight gain. Sometimes it’s just because we get older and our skin gets a little more loose. Gosh darn you, gravity! Muscles that aren’t used often enough lose their tone too, and that includes the muscles in your neck and jaw. But it doesn’t matter how, it’s just that you have it.
Try this simple exercise to help get rid of it. You can work out each muscle in your face and it’ll help you get rid of it:

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

What is the Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy

The definition of sympathy:
“feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.”
The definition of empathy:
“the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. ”
We are empaths, not sympaths.  Empathy is having a high enough awareness to tap into the feelings of others. To listen a story being told so fully you experience it alongside the story teller.
It’s creating a space of comfort for someone because they know you have an understanding of their emotions. We all experience our own versions of shared emotions like sadness, excitement, anything.
Our experience of happiness is unique to us and looks like doing different, specific things that make us happy. When someone sympathizes with you they are basing their compassion of the misfortune of your scenario. It’s like looking at it from an outside perspective so you don’t experience the shared pain.

aloneBeing empathic is painful, you feel the pains of others and sometime’s you have no idea why. Sometimes it creeps up on you out of nowhere and you need to distinguish if the emotions you’re feeling are coming from your core, or from someone else’s.
Being empathic takes a tremendous amount of energy, especially if you are seeking to aid another and share in their pain, resulting in some level of healing. Being sympathetic is listening to a problem and saying “I feel bad for you”.  What is the result in the end?

There is a lot of information of what being an empath is and how to know if you are one; and it seems obvious everyone already is one.
It depends on how open we are with our emotions, how transparent we can be to those around us and our level of communication. Everyone has the capacity to empathize with another human; it is a natural function within all of us.
We can choose to not feel empathy, to focus on indifference and block out what makes us uncomfortable. Again, what is the tumblr_kzpt1udhH61qa2y6ao1_500end result?

Holding our unspoken feelings in, never seems to end well. It comes out someway or another. Being empathic is being able to communicate in the moment; its understanding your peers are a reflection of you so you know there’s no reason to be afraid of communicating honestly.
Be empathic, don’t have empathy for others, BE empathy. Be the embodiment of understanding, be a conduit for truth and awareness.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

How To Sweet Talk A Girl

They say that romance is dead and girls now days are liberated and want to be treated as equals. A lot of guys are even too scared to open doors for a girl or offer them their seat on the train or bus for fear of being scorned. You hear about girls acting like guys, adopting ladish behaviour, getting drunk and having fights, but that is all just negative hype.
I say romance is still alive and well and the majority of girls still love to be romanced and have sweet talk whispered in their ears by the guy of their dreams. So if you want to learn how to sweet talk a girl and bring some romance into her life, read on.

Sweet Talk A Girl And Make Her Feel Special

She Will Love To Hear Your Sweet Talk

If you want to learn how to sweet talk a girl you should know its not just a matter of mindless flattery and cheesy chat-up-lines. Yes sure girls love compliments but it has to be genuine or they will spot your fake chat a mile off.
Girls love to feel special, they love to feel they are the prettiest, most sexiest creature in the world. So how do you sweet talk a girl and make her feel special?
Be observant. Notice when she has had her hair done and pay her a compliment. Tell her she has lovely hair, beautiful eyes, soft skin and smells gorgeous. Be sure to notice when she has bought a new dress or new shoes and tell her how lovely she looks.
Make her feel special by sending her flowers, but don't send them to her home address. Instead send them to her place of work. She will feel so special when a big bouquet of flowers arrive at her place of work and they are for HER! Just imagine she will be the centre of attention and all her friends will be so jealous. Be sure to write something romantic on the gift tag so she knows they are from you.
Make her feel protected. Girls love a guy who makes her feel safe and protected.
Treat her with respect and don't take her for granted. If you neglect her and take her for granted, she will soon find someone else who treats her right.
Be spontaneous. Buy her little presents just for the sake of it. They don't have to be anything too expensive.

Sweet Talk A Girl And Have Fun

Make Your Dates Fun

Make your dates fun, don't just do the same things all the time. Here are a few ideas for you:
Arrange to do some fun things, for example you could take her to the zoo, most girls love animals and she will enjoy herself and think you are cool.
Arrange a surprise picnic for her. Pack a few sandwiches, some fruits, a bottle of wine and wine glasses (don't forget the corkscrew) and a blanket in a backpack and take her on a picnic in the woods on a lovely sunny day. She will think you're so romantic. After you have eaten, lay down together and look at the sky and try to make out funny faces in the clouds.
Take her for a trip to the beach even if the weather is not so warm. Walk along the sand together and have a paddle in the sea. Find a stick or piece of wood and draw a heart in the sand and write her name inside it. When it gets cold, take her for a fish and chip supper.
Offer to cook her supper. Play her favourite romantic songs and tell her to sit and reax while you are cooking.. Make the table look nice with a tablecloth and napkins. Light some candles to create a romantic atmosphere.

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Monday, 25 May 2015

Teen With Down Syndrome Is Determined To Become A Model

Madeline Stuart decided recently that she would like to become a model, and her story is making the headlines and winning the hearts of people all over the world as this story has gone viral. There’s a reason,  though. Maddy has down syndrome.
“She really wants to change the way people discriminate against disability.”
She enjoys swimming, and dancing, but Maddy was frustrated by the extra weight she had holding her back. With some internal inspiration and the help of her mother, she wound up losing 44lbs (20kg). With her confidence and newly found energy, she was inspired to try modeling. She also, with her determination and confidence, soon found a supporter in the Living Dead label, who prides itself on signing models of diverse body types. (H/T: Original story and images found on Bored Panda, and was reworded slightly and reproduced for this blog.)

Meet Maddy, an 18-year-old with Down syndrome who wants to be a model


After she lost 44lbs (20kg) to keep healthy, she decided to start modeling


“She really wants to change the way people discriminate against disability,” said Maddy’s mother

Friday, 22 May 2015

Why falling in love is similar to being drunk

A new study suggests that the love hormone oxytocin has similar affects to being drunk

Poets, songwriters and authors have written of the intoxicating effect of falling in love.
But a new study suggests that the love hormone oxytocin has similar affects to being drunk, and not just the more pleasant aspects of inebriation.
Researchers found that not only can oxytocin make lovers feel relaxed, happy and more confident, it can also provoke aggression, jealousy and arrogance.
Oxytocin is a hormone produced in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus and plays a significant role in bonding, falling in love and making friendships.
Scientists at the University of Birmingham tested subjects to find out if the effects of drinking alcohol were similar to those of oxytocin, which was administered in a spray.
Dr Ian Mitchell, from the School of Psychology at Birmingham University, said: "We pooled existing research into the effects of both oxytocin and alcohol and were struck by the incredible similarities between the two compounds.
"They appear to target different receptors within the brain, but cause common actions.
"These neural circuits control how we perceive stress or anxiety, especially in social situations such as interviews, or perhaps even plucking up the courage to ask somebody on a date. Taking compounds such as oxytocin and alcohol can make these situations seem less daunting."
Oxytocin increases pro-social behaviours such as altruism, generosity and empathy while making us more willing to trust others. Those effects come about because the hormone appears to remove the brakes on social inhibitors such as fear, anxiety and stress in the same way that alcohol works.
The researchers say it may explain why first dates are often involve alcohol as prospective partners use 'Dutch courage' to mirror the feelings of love.
Dr Steven Gillespie said: "The idea of 'Dutch courage' - having a drink to overcome nerves - is used to battle those immediate obstacles of fear and anxiety.
"Oxytocin appears to mirror these effects in the lab."
Oxytocin was delivered as a nasal spray
However, the researchers warn against self-medicating with either the hormone or a swift drink to provide a little more confidence in difficult moments.
Alongside the health concerns that accompany frequent alcohol consumption, there are less desirable socio-cognitive effects that both alcohol and oxytocin can facilitate.
People can become more aggressive, more boastful, envious of those they consider to be their competitors, and favour their in-group at the expense of others.
The compounds can also affect our sense of fear which normally acts to protect us from getting into trouble and we often hear of people taking risks that they otherwise wouldn't.
A dose of either compound can further influence how we deal with others by enhancing our perception of trustworthiness, which would further increase the danger of taking unnecessary risks.
The findings were published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews.
Dr Gillespie added: "I don't think we'll see a time when oxytocin is used socially as an alternative to alcohol.
"But it is a fascinating neurochemical and, away from matters of the heart, has a possible use in treatment of psychological and psychiatric conditions.”

Thursday, 21 May 2015

7 Stretches In 7 Minutes For Lower Back Pain Relief

One of the consequences of being sedentary, and also being incredibly active, is back pain. About 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given moment. It’s a common affliction and one that takes care and diligence to eliminate.
Whether you experience stiffness, aches, or spasms, the following stretches will help keep your back fit and strong.

1. The hamstring floor stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds twice for each leg.

2. Knee to chest stretch.

This helps strengthen and relax your glutes. Hold for 20 seconds for each leg twice.

3. Spinal stretch.

This was a favorite of mine when I suffered sciatica. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other knee. Do this as many times as you like but don’t overdo it.

4. The piriformis stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

5. The hip flexors stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds and then switch and repeat.

6. The quadriceps lying down stretch.

Hold for 30 seconds on each side. Do this one twice on each side.

7. The total back stretch.

Hold this for 30 seconds and then try this:
Hold for 10 seconds on both sides.

With any luck, this will have your lower back feeling great again!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Russia plans to free itself from iOS and Android

Finland’s Sailfish operating system is the platform for Russia’s latest fight for independence from US technology
A Jolla Tablet, one of the devices already running the Finnish company's operating system.
The cold war may have ended in the 90s but Russia is still fighting to free itself from American influence over its technology sector, with the country’s minister for communications announcing plans to create a new mobile operating system to challenge iOS and Android across all the Brics nations.
Meanwhile, another Russian company is designing its own central processing units to take on Intel and AMD.
According to Russia’s RBC financial newspaper, the country’s ministry of communications instigated the project to replace Android and iOS, meeting with Finnish developer Jolla to discuss the creation of a new mobile operating system based on Jolla’s open-source Sailfish OS.
Russia’s minister of communications and mass media, Nikolai Nikiforov, told RBC that he wants to see the use of non-Russian mobile operating systems drop to just 50% by 2025. Android alone accounts for 81% of the country’s OS market share, according to analysts at Gartner, while iOS picks up another 15%.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

The Mind Can’t Know The Mind

Of the many blessings that have come my way since discovering the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, and later participating in Michael Jeffreys’ Santa Monica group devoted to his work, perhaps none is more significant than the experiential recognition of the limitations of my “formative mind” – or what Eckhart calls the “ego.”
Michael refers to this as the “boss hammer,” because when it is recogniz ed it actually allows one to drop all conceptual belief systems.  As they begin to fall away, as Eckhart says, “You can [begin to] notice a dimension within yourself that is far deeper than the movement of thought.”
Why is this so difficult to acknowledge?
As Eckhart tells us, the voice that is the formative mind or Ego is programmed and deeply conditioned habitual chatter.

The Ego is persistent in its need for attention. This ever-present clamor for recognition and validation convinces the person who is listening to it to give it more and more attention, until through conditioning you eventually  accept it as “your self.”  And in our social conditioning this is powerfully reinforced, and we are led to believe that this voice in the head is our identity.
As Eckhart says, this misapprehension is what is symbolized in the story of the Garden of Eden, symbolized as the apple and knowledge of good and evil.  It is the evolutionary ability of the mind to make distinctions, starting with good and bad (good=berry – bad=poison), which enabled the “smart” ones among us to survive.
But the fallacy of this identification with the “voice in the head” is the basis for the world’s very oldest teachings and traditions; I believe that it is the foundation of all of the world’s religions but was then distorted for various reasons by the priesthood and the power structures which then emerged.

Monday, 18 May 2015

ADR Driver Training Presents David Bond Ltd

ADR Driver proudly presents David Bond Ltd who specialises in ADR Driver Training and Driver CPC periodic training.
They can deliver training either at their main training centre in Hadleigh Suffolk or at your facility, provided it meets the required SQA and JAUPT standards.
Visit their website for more information and available training dates

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes Naturally

It’s happened to me countless times: I invite some friends over, we’re sitting on the patio, and the mosquitoes are just swarming! Some might suggest that I pick up some bug spray, but did you know that bug spray has some potentially harmful chemicals in them? They’re especially bad for kids. I’ve taken a more natural approach to repelling those pesky ‘skeeters, and one part of that is planting mosquito-repelling plants.

1. Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

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For me, summer isn’t complete without a few big, beautiful basil bushes producing beautiful flowers the bees love as well as the perfect herb for a variety of dishes. It’s not just good in the kitchen though. When placed near doors, this aromatic herb deters both mosquitoes and flies.

2. Lemon thyme (Thymus X citriodorus)

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This is another summertime favorite of mine. This aromatic herb loves dry, sunny conditions and fits well as a ground cover along walkways. As you walk among it, you bruise the leaves causing it to release an aroma that mosquitoes just hate!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Hungry Starling Chicks

There has been a lot of activity in the garden lately, with lots of starlings and their hungry chicks.
Starling Chick
Starling mother and baby
Starling Mother and Baby

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Aakhan Jor - Snatam Kaur

Complete Mantra:

Aakhan jor, Chupai neh jor,
Jor na mangan dayn na jor
Jor na jeevan maran neh jor
Jor na raaj maal man sor
Jor na surtee giaan vechaar
Jor na jugatee chutai sansaar
Jis hath jor kar vekhai so-i
Nanak utam neech na ko-i

Language: Gurmukhi
Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Author: Guru Nanak Dev Ji

No power to speak, no power to keep silent.
No power to beg, no power to give.
No power to live, no power to die.
No power to rule, with wealth and occult mental powers.
No power to gain intuitive understanding, to contemplate spiritual wisdom.
No power to find the way to escape from the world.
He alone has the Power in his hands, he watches over all.
O Nanak, no one is high or low.

Friday, 15 May 2015

How Twin Flames Can Heal Each Other

Do you consider your partner your twin flame or twin soul?
When you find your twin soul being dramatic, irritating, annoying, addicted, too sensitive, or fearful, take it back as a mirror, and find out if they are reflecting an UNSEEN part of YOU.
kissesTwin souls love each other so much that their energies reflect and mirror everything within. They are showing you something that you are, already have been, or forgotten about yourself that needs to be seen.  Just look at their wants, beliefs, and what they have to say. These are your own needs and beliefs being reflected back at you.
Twin soul love takes you through a spiritual trip that no one else can create for you. Your partner is showing you things from within the deepest love possible and leading you back to your own source, by mirroring everything about you. The energies between twin souls are taking over (even in words, actions) to show you who you are or what might be in need of transformation.
Some things are deeply hidden or forgotten. Just listen to their words, fears,  and behavior and see yourself. If you are honest to yourself, then this is the highest love between souls that anyone can experience. They will reflect the good and the not-so-good within you. This is a commitment you already made with them before you were born.  You agreed to meet each other and to heal each other by reflection of the soul and ego.