The definition of sympathy:
“feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.”
The definition of empathy:
“the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. ”
We are empaths, not sympaths. Empathy is having a high enough awareness to tap into the feelings of others. To listen a story being told so fully you experience it alongside the story teller.
It’s creating a space of comfort for someone because they know you have an understanding of their emotions. We all experience our own versions of shared emotions like sadness, excitement, anything.
Our experience of happiness is unique to us and looks like doing different, specific things that make us happy. When someone sympathizes with you they are basing their compassion of the misfortune of your scenario. It’s like looking at it from an outside perspective so you don’t experience the shared pain.

Being empathic is painful, you feel the pains of others and sometime’s you have no idea why. Sometimes it creeps up on you out of nowhere and you need to distinguish if the emotions you’re feeling are coming from your core, or from someone else’s.
Being empathic takes a tremendous amount of energy, especially if you are seeking to aid another and share in their pain, resulting in some level of healing. Being sympathetic is listening to a problem and saying “I feel bad for you”. What is the result in the end?
There is a lot of information of what being an empath is and how to know if you are one; and it seems obvious everyone already is one.
It depends on how open we are with our emotions, how transparent we can be to those around us and our level of communication. Everyone has the capacity to empathize with another human; it is a natural function within all of us.
We can choose to not feel empathy, to focus on indifference and block out what makes us uncomfortable. Again, what is the

end result?
Holding our unspoken feelings in, never seems to end well. It comes out someway or another. Being empathic is being able to communicate in the moment; its understanding your peers are a reflection of you so you know there’s no reason to be afraid of communicating honestly.
Be empathic, don’t have empathy for others, BE empathy. Be the embodiment of understanding, be a conduit for truth and awareness.